15 mars 2009

Internet Explorer har bokmärkesfält precis som Firefox

Jag har just upptäckt något sensationellt. Internet Explorer kan ju ha bokmärken i ett bokmärkesfält precis som i Mozilla Firefox! Jag vet inte om det är jag som är "lite" efter men jag hört personer klaga över detta fastän IE 7 kom, och det måste ju ha kommit med IE 7. Eller?

I alla fall så har jag gått till baka med att använda IE lite då och då. Nu är ju bokmärkena lika lättillgängliga som i Firefox.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Since the Internet Explorer 7 released, I don't like it, because they are just stealing the ideas from Mozilla and Google since then. But my favourite browser is Google Chrome, and I don't agree with those who think it's too unstable, because I think it IS stable at all, only the weaker computers with few (0 - 512 MB) memory will make it unstable, but that's not the developers's fault...

  2. My favorite browser is Firefox, but i also use IE and Chrome sometimes. Chrome because it's so clean and simple.

    I really like that the browsers are stealing features from each other. It makes all the browsers better. Anyway, the things which Microsoft have stolen to IE isn't just as well done as in other browsers. They suck at stealing. :) I look forward to their new browser which will be released soon.
